100218 - Happy Birthday Jenny!!! (yesterday)
*the birthday girl doing what she hates most! I believe she also yelled at me, "DON'T TAKE MY PICTURE!!!! Ah shit now I lost count."
It was Jenny's Birthday yeasterday and she made the request for a birthday chipper. So, seeing as we don't do chippers very often and it is good to vary the lengths of workouts as well as overall difficulty I thought this would be a good chance to put out a good long, hard chipper. Newbies don't worry chippers like this hardly ever happen so don't get discouraged just plug away at it as best as you can! So without further adieu here is your birthday chipper Jenny! Happy Birthday!
The Jenny 35!
35 Box Jumps
35 Push Press (95/65)
35 Knees to Elbows
35 KB Swings (55/35)
35 Wall y Ball (20/16)
35 DB Push-up Rows
35 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
35 Turkish Get-ups (35/20)
35 Burpees
350m Run
35 Squat Cleans (95/65)
*I know there's no "y" in wall ball but you try and find an exercise with "y" in it plus the fact that Jenny hates doing wall ball and I'm kind of a jerk like that!